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Bigfoot Mobile Systems works seamlessly to mold our mobile solutions to the specifications of the user's NewTek Tricaster equipment.

We specialize in working directly with dealers to create a mobile unit that not only meets their client's needs, but goes above and beyond their expectations.

why bigfoot?

Bigfoot Mobile Systems leaves no stone unturned when we collaborate to design your or your client's mobile system. 

When considering the in's and out's of a unit where NewTek Tricaster applications are the focal point, we come to you with expertise refined by years of experience working with NewTek Tricaster products and we adapt our mobile carts to best serve the user.


Download the grid below to explore the ideal models for NewTek Tricaster products.

newtek tricaster in sit/stand desk

Experience the Sit/Stand Rollin' Desk with NewTek Tricaster Mini as a technical work surface that rolls with you. 

Harward Westlake LaCrosse02
Salem-School Newtek
Harvard Westlake Football01
Raiders Bigfoot VersaFlypak installed
ijr Tricaster in action
Keycode Bigfoot Tricaster
Creative Learning Systems Cubes Tricaster Systems filled
Comcast Sports Bigfoot integrated rear 2 sml
U.S. Dept of Labor with Bigfoot production cart 12RU
Bigfoot- UNR Tricaster 455 System integrated open4
Bigfoot Tricaster RackPlus' System with large KB drawer, standard top
Bigfoot- Tricaster 455-460 integrated monitor-rack area stowed
Bigfoot Tricaster 455 rack
Bigfoot Tricaster - Side ops with large drawer, swing up monitor rack
Bigfoot Double Rack Tricater 8000-3Play system
Bigfoot Double Rack system Dual Tricaster 8000-3play
Bigfoot 460-860 Side operator Dual monitor
Bigfoot 455 double wide in small van2 Revere TV
Bigfoot Side Operator Tricaster 460 cart with 24inch wide drawer swing up monitor-2RU rack
Bigfoot TC1 Side Operator deep rack cart
Bigfoot Tricaster System SideOps with lift off lid-table,swingup monitor with shade option -
Bigfoot Triplerack cart with TD and camera shader or replay postions
Bigfoot Triplerack cart drawers -
Comcast-Bigfoot Triplerack cart closed
Comcast-Bigfoot Triplerack cart open
Bigfoot 3RU Versa 2017 series sml_edited
Versa Flypak with Blue upgrade,closed
Sit-Stand Desk Auraria Tech Sports production
Oakland University-Keycode -Bigfoot Cart system open
Bigfoot Versa Mini System Mini-rack mounted in 3RU rack
Versa Mini System
McKesson Bigfoot cart open, with lid -table
McKesson Bigfoot Cart Integrated, Dual 24inch swing up mounts
McKesson Bigfoot Cart Integrated 3
McKesson Bigfoot Cart 2 Integrated
LinkedIn Bigfoot in action,48inch in-lid and two side monitors
City of Pittsburg Bigfoot in use with 48inch monitor, Dual 24inch monitors
Harvard School Bigfoot Classic II Side operator 13RU
City of Pittsburg Bigfoot with main drawer , upper KB drawer, upper rack space
Bigfoot, Columbus High, TX  Tricaster 40.
Bigfoot with upper KB drawer, upper rack space
Bigfoot with upper deck feedthru connections panels
Bigfoot Versa Mini Flypak and Newtek Pelican case comparison
Bigfoot Tricaster Mini 'Briefcase'
Bigfoot Tricaster Mini Briefcase integrated2
Bigfoot Tricaster Mini Briefcase integrated CS-monitor
Bigfoot SideOps Cart system closed
Bigfoot Tricaster Mini Briefcase angle adjustable lid side
Bigfoot system controller drawer with upper keyboard-mouse drawer2
Bigfoot Tricaster Mini Birefcase System3
Bigfoot Tricaster Side Operator
Bigfoot Technical Desk Sit-Stand swiveled monitor
Bigfoot Sit-Stand Desk with custom Tricaster Mini mount
Bigfoot SingleRack SideOperator 8000 top deck
Bigfoot Mini Briefcase at Harvard Westlake2 in use!
Bigfoot In-lid rackspace option
Bigfoot 'Side Operator' System Cart with Dua monitors closed
Bigfoot Side Operator 30D Split-Apart open, with upper 3RU swing up rack closed
Bigfoot Side Operator 30D Split-Apart open, with upper 3RU swing up rack 2
Bigfoot Side Operator 30D Split-Apart open, with upper 3RU swing up rack
Bigfoot Rolling Tech Desk raided up and rear storage&power supprt
Bigfoot Rollin Desk with 6inch BCW Cushion wheels
Bigfoot Mini Briefcase with standard 24inch monitor at Harvard Westlake in use sml
Bigfoot DoubleRack for Twitch with large drawer slideout and at Twitchcon
Bigfoot Mini Briefcase easy hook up access! -
Bigfoot Double Rack Tricater 8000-3Play system
Bigfoot Cart System with Deluxe Shock racks, Dual monitor drawers -
Bigfoot Classic II Double wide three monitor,large drawer,monitor drawers2
Bigfoot Cart System TC1 CS mounted2
Bigfoot Cart System speciality aluminum storage drawers -
Bigfoot Cart System REAR frame and shockrack detail -
Bigfoot cart split-apart
Bigfoot cart  rear access panel removed
Bigfoot 2018 VersaFlypak with lower drawer uppr 5RU system open
Bigfoot 2018 VersaFlypak for closed on end
Bellevue and Bigfoot at graduation
Alalska College in action3
Bigfoot 2018 VersaFlypak 5RU shockrack rolling method 'in front'
Bigfoot 2018 VersaFlypak 5RU shockrack closed on end
Bigfoot 2018 VersaFlypak 5RU shockrack closed on ground
Bigfoot 460Classic II 24D Side operator single rack cart with 'lift-off' lid, swing up in-lid monito
Bigfoot 860 or 8000 Doublewide with 47inch in-lid monitor, dual side monitors
Bigfoot  RollingTech Desk Custom Mini mount -  UPS and power cord reel
Bigfoot  RollingTech Desk Custom CP storage -
Bigfoot  Rolling Sit-Stand Desk top deck connections and power optionsy
Bellevue Univ. Bigfoot 8000-TC1 SingleRack Side ops system
Bellevue University Bigfoot Single Rack-Side Operator cart,  with three monitors installed
Bigfoot  'Briefcase' with handles and wheels options
Bellevue and Bigfoot at graduation sml
Auraria Installed large (1)
Auraria-Bigfoot Desk side
Bellevue and Bigfoot at graduation 4sml
49ers Studios-Bigfoot DoubleRack cart with 42inch swing up monitor and lift off lid-table
49ers Bigfoot Double Rack cart with 8000 Tricaster, Lift off lid


Tricaster 3Play Total Setup in 5 Minutes

Quick and easy set up of Tricaster 3Play house in customized mobile solution.

Tricaster 3Play System Breakdown Storage Method

Tricaster 3Play System Breakdown Storage Method in customized mobile solution.

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Want more info? Have questions?

We'd love to reach out to you! Fill out the form below and we'll give you a shout. 

Thanks for reaching out! We'll be in touch shortly.

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